The InterGenNS Program Directory provides a detailed account of the community initiatives on the North Shore that can help connect members of the community across generations and backgrounds. If you would like to add a community initiative to this list on behalf of a community group or organisation that you represent, please fill out and submit the InterGenNS Program Directory Intake Form.

B.C. Council for Families
Professional Development and On-Line Parenting Courses (all ages)
BCCF’s purpose is to serve professionals, support families and strengthen communities. We offer a diverse selection of workshops for family support professionals, para- professionals and volunteers: Nobody’s Perfect parenting, My Tween and Me, Home Visitors, Parent and Child Mother Goose as well as wellness, Indigenous cultural safety, Intergenerational Programming and Engaging Dads.
We also have an extensive stock of family resources for purchase. There is an on-line parenting program also made available.
Phone: 604-678-8884 ext 101
Location: #208 – 1847 West Broadway Vancouver V6J 1Y6

Capilano University
Lower Lonsdale Literacy Outreach Program (ages 19+)
A program for adults of all ages who want to improve their English and/or digital literacy skills. Activities include; one-on-one tutoring for people who want to improve their English and/or digital literacy skills and/or math, conversation circles facilitated by a volunteer tutor (5 people), and drop-in sessions for digital literacy. Sessions are held Wednesday and Fridays from 11:30am – 2:30pm. This program is delivered in partnership with North Shore Neighbourhood House.
Email to register.
Location: CapU Lonsdale Campus at the Shipyards – 125 Victory Ship Way Suite # 250, North Vancouver, BC V7L 0G5
Website: Capilano University Community Development and Outreach Programs
Queen Mary Family Learning Program (for newcomers with children in the North Vancouver school system)
This program is for newcomer parents, caregivers, grandparents and relatives as well as people with developmental challenges of all ages. Program activities include learnings and practicing English language skills, meeting other newcomers in the community, learnings about Canadian schools, community services and society. This program is held at Saint John’s Anglican Church on Thursdays from 9am-11am. This program is delivered in partnership with St. John’s Anglican Church.
Email to register.
Location: St. John’s Anglican Church – 220 W 8th St – North Vancouver, BC
Website: Capilano University Community Development and Outreach Programs

B.C. Council for District of West Vancouver
Intergenerational Connections! (youth and seniors – welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds and orientations)
Plan and participate in fun intergenerational activities designed to strengthen community, promote
understanding, respect, and sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience, and establish relationships that build self-esteem and contribute to positive physical and mental health for all. Youth and seniors will work on conversational events, meaningful crafts, gardening projects, and more!
Shakila Amiri
Youth Services Program Coordinator
Location: Seniors Activity Centre, 695 21st Street, West Vancouver, BC V7V 4A7

Elders Council for Parks – Mt. Seymour Heritage Centre</strong>
Children’s Programs
At the Heritage Centre, a small cottage in the woods, nestled into the lush Mt. Seymour Provincial Park is a unique and beautiful intergenerational community program. Hosted by a passionate and creative group of seniors with the Elders Council for Parks, this nature program brings together youth from local schools for an interactive, musical puppet show. This group of talented and outgoing seniors spend countless hours sewing beautiful set fabrics and costumes for the puppets, creating paper mâché props from recycled material, writing and editing scripts, and learning the shows. Local schools then attend the Heritage Centre to see the artwork come alive in a beautiful puppet show.

Family Services of the North Shore
Thrive Family Center Programs (children 0-6yrs and parents/grandparents/caregivers)
Our Thrive Family Centres offer free programs where you can play, learn, and connect with your children from birth to six years of age. Enjoy child-led play, crafts, songs, and stories while interacting with other parents, grandparents, and caregivers. Our experienced staff provide support, resources, and referrals to give you the help you need to ensure your child has a healthy start in life.
- Family Drop-In
- Child-led play, crafts, songs, and stories
- Interactions with other families
- Family Support, Breastfeeding & Postpartum Support
- Resources and Referrals
- Parent Child Mother Goose
- Exchange Room & Community Food Cupboard
Phone: 604-986-9311
Thrive Maplewood Centre – 399 Seymour River Place, North Vancouver, BC V7H 1S6
Thrive West Vancouver Centre – 2121 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC V7V 1K3
Thrive Centre @ City of North Vancouver Library – 120 W 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1N9

North Shore Neighbourhood House
The North Shore Neighbourhood House offers a wide variety of opportunities to connect across generations (e.g. volunteering, field trips, etc.) – visit their website, call, or email to find out more!
Phone: 604-987-8138
Location: 225 East 2nd Street North Vancouver BC V7L 1C4

North Vancouver City Library
Seniors’ Gathering
Seniors gather once a month at the library and engage with a speaker or presenter about different topics that may be of interest to them, like finances, health, craft etc.
Study Stars (youth grades 4-7)
Study stars is a dedicated group of passionate teenagers committed to giving back to the community. Fueled by our love of learning and diverse skills and strengths, they offer tutoring to youth in grades 4 – 7 in various subjects, from mathematics to language arts. Beyond academic support, the goal is to create a nurturing environment where children can develop a genuine passion for learning.
Phone: 604-998-3450
Location: 120 14th Street West, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1N9

B.C. Council North Vancouver District Public Library Families
Programs for all ages and generations. Seniors are welcome to come to storytime with their grandchildren, or attend any other adult program.
Check out our website or call your local branch for information about current programs.
Lynn Valley Library – 1277 Lynn Valley Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7J 0A2
Phone: 604-984-0286
Capilano Library – 3045 Highland Boulevard, North Vancouver, BC V7R 2X4
Phone: 604-987-4471
Parkgate Library – 3675 Banff Court, North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Z8
Phone: 604-929-3727
Express Library at Lions Gate – 1733 Lions Gate Lane, North Vancouver, BC V7P 0C7
Phone: 604-998-3033

Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre
Artful Connections Craft Workshops (school-aged kids and their grandparents)
Introducing our exciting new series of workshops for school-aged kids and their grandparents! This summer, join us for a journey of creativity, connection, and endless fun. Our workshops are designed to bridge generational gaps while fostering creativity in a vibrant environment. All supplies will be provided. Contact Silver Harbour at the number below for more information.
Craft Sales Events (young adults, adults and seniors)
Senior volunteers make crafts which are sold at 2 yearly craft markets — Spring Market (May) and Christmas Market (November).
Please check our website for exact dates.
Interviews & Stories (students and seniors)
Participating students interview seniors about life events, and the impact Silver Harbour has had on their lives. The current project is “50 Amazing Stories”, in celebration of Silver Harbour’s 50th Anniversary.
Phone: 604-980-2474
Location: 144 East 22nd Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 4L5

The Woods Arts & Wellness
Family Nature-Based Art Group (adults and school aged children 6-16yrs)
This is a time to connect with the young person in your life. We will be making use of both the art studio and the forest outside to bring inspiration to our art making. We hope to strengthen your relationship through creative play and expression, and will be providing art prompts that are broad enough to adapt to different ages. So whether your child is 6 or 16, join us for a relaxed and supportive art experience.
Open Art Studio (all ages)
Come enjoy the pleasure of art making with others in the community. No art experience is necessary, as we provide both art supplies and creative prompts. It is an opportunity to play with a variety of art mediums, explore creative expression, and experience how art can increase well-being.
Phone: 778-989-6637
Location: Unit #117-3721 Delbrook Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7N 3Z4