North Shore Community Housing Action Committee (CHAC)


Affordable, accessible housing is key to ensuring a diverse and inclusive community on the North Shore.

Our North Shore Community Housing Action Committee (CHAC) is an independent, non-partisan group of volunteers and experts who educate, undertake research and advocate to increase affordable housing options and policies in the community. We meet regularly with elected officials and their staff at all levels of government, developers, other affordable housing advocates and interested members of the public to learn about and advocate for affordable and accessible housing.

The involvement and feedback provided by Community Housing Action Committee is considered an important part of our consultation when it comes to decision making on affordable housing in the District of North Vancouver.

CHAC Participant

Updates and Resources

To find out more about CHAC’s work and governance in our Terms of Reference, click here.

Below are some of the resources CHAC has developed:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out more about CHAC and its work?

Please contact us. To learn about CHAC’s Terms of Reference click here.

How closely do you work with developers?

We frequently work with developers to advocate for more affordable housing in their projects.

How is CHAC funded?

CHAC is funded through grants from municipalities and charitable donations. CHAC does not accept donations from property development companies to fund our work.

Do you assist individuals to find affordable housing?

CHAC provides an inventory of affordable housing providers on the North Shore, click here to view CHAC’s Affordable Housing Inventory.

NSCR also provides a weekly compilation of the lowest end, market housing available on the North Shore. Sign up below to receive weekly notices.

Housing List Sign Up Form

* indicates required


Jacob Isaac
Chair, NSCR Community Housing Action Committee

Thank You

Funding for CHAC is made possible by the District of North Vancouver, the City of North Vancouver, the District of West Vancouver and donors like you.